Welcome to the world of Kaijukuma Pandas™.
A Closed Species owned by Ryn Universe.

Terms Of Service


  • By purchasing a KaijukumaPanda™; you agree to the The Species Owner's Rules and Terms of Service.

  • KaijukumaPandas™ are a Closed Species, and can not be made without the permission of their owner, Ryn Universe.

  • Currently, KaijukumaPandas™ can only be purchased via adoptables, MYO's, and/or customs.

  • If you no longer want your KaijukumaPanda™, then you must update The Species Owner and/or group with the name of the new owner and a link to the character.
    Toyhouse is preferred, but any links are fine.

  • You are not allowed to "breed" your KaijukumaPandas™ with other species, unless you plan to purchase a "child" or "hybrid" slot from The Species Owner.
    These slots are very limited though, so don't expect them to be abundant.

  • You must credit The Species Owner for the species upon initial upload to your gallery. Uploads after that are optional credit.

Design Changes

  • Please speak with The Species Owner if you plan to make any major design edits to your KaijukumaPanda™.

  • Minor design edits are totally fine to make such as:
    Hair color and hair style changes.
    Accessory changes; piercings, bands, etc.
    Minor color and marking edits that don't require tier changes.

Adoptables and MYOs

  • Adoptables are only to be sold by The Species Owner, and/or a Certified Creator.

  • Make Your Own's (MYO's) will only be available during the MYO events or on special occassions via The Species Owner.

  • You can reserve a monster from The Species Owner for a small fee. Once reserved, you will have thirty (30) days to purchase a MYO or Custom slot.

  • Once a MYO slot has been purchased, you have sixty (60) days to create your KaijukumaPanda™; with updates to The Species Owner.

  • If you miss the 60 day marker without updates; you will be refunded a portion of your payment, and your slot/monster reservation will be released.

  • If you no longer wish to keep your MYO slot, you may re-sell/trade it to another user with confirmation from The Species Owner and the new purchaser.

  • You must credit The Species Owner for the species upon initial upload to your gallery. Any uploads after that is an optional credit for the species.

Method of Obtainment

  • Method of Obtainment; If you pay cash for a slot; you are allowed to resell for cash as well as trade.

  • If you trade for a slot, you are only allowed to trade, and can not make a cash profit off your KaijukumaPanda™.

  • Additional art will mark up a KaijukumaPanda's™ Sale Value or Trade Value. You still can not sell a traded KaijukumaPanda™ though.

Species Reclamation

  • If you fail to follow the rules within this Terms of Service, you will find yourself on The Blacklist.

  • Buying For or Selling To any user on the blacklist is not permitted. If you are found doing so, you will be blacklisted.

  • Breaching the Terms of Service or being put on The Blacklist will result in the following:
    Your access to this species will be revoked, and your character will be disowned from the species.
    This will make your character Non-Canon, and as such; it will no longer be associated with this species.
    Non-Canon characters are no longer allowed to call themselves a part of this species or use it's name.
    We will not forcibly reclaim any character (canon or not) from a user at any time. So please do not worry.
    If you are blacklisted, your character is NOT a part of this species, and it must be labled as a Non-Canon or other species.

  • You can speak with The Species Owner to appeal this decision on yours and/or a purchased Non-Canon character.

Can I make a KaijukumaPanda™ on my own?

  • No. You need permission from The Species Owner, Ryn Universe, to make one.

  • You may also purchase one from The Species Owner, or a Kaijukuma Certified Creator.

Why are there so few male KaijukumaPandas™?

  • Kaijukuma Pandas are mostly a female species, with a very low count of males.

  • Males are considered a rarity, and you will usually find one in every ten females.

Where can I find other KaijukumaPanda™ owners?

How much do KaijukumaPandas™ cost?

  • MYO slots start at $60 during the event, and $80 outside of the events.

  • Customs start at $160 during the event, and $180 outside of the event.

What do rarity on mutations mean for KaijukumaPandas™?

  • The rarities will affect the cost and abundance of the KaijukumaPanda.

  • There will always only be one of each monster variant for the species though.

Can I re-sell my MYO / Custom slot?

  • Yes, you can. But only for what you paid for it. Cash for Cash, Trade for Trade.

  • You may not re-sell your slots if you traded for it. But you can trade them to others.

Large Ears

  • KaijukumaPandas™ have large, rounded heart shaped ears.

  • They are extremely fluffy at the bottom, like a red panda's.

  • The inner flesh is very minimal, and shaped like a lima bean.

Tail Bands

  • KaijukumaPandas™ wear Control Cords, or Tail Bands, to help them maintain their forms.

  • If they fail to maintain their forms; they can go feral or beastial and lash out at anyone around them.

  • They can have 0 - 3 bands or wraps. The more tail wraps they wear, the less they are in control.


  • They will always have a gem or item on their foreheads that represent their monster base.

  • They will always wear ear and tail accessories based on their monsters, or their monster's lore.

  • Their ear and tail accessories, forehead gems, and markings will always represent thier monster.

  • They are allowed to wear general accessories as well, but only as additions to their lore accessories.


  • Their faces are either flat faced, or short muzzled, like red pandas.

  • Their noses can be large like a bear's, or a small button style.

  • They are omnivores, so they have human-like teeth, with slightly larger canines.


  • Their tails tend to be long, fluffy variants of a red panda's tail.

  • They have a unique bone structure in their tails that allow for some inhuman strength and precision when using their tails.


  • Every KaijukumaPanda™ is based on a monster from mythology and folklore.

  • There can only be one of each monster in the species but different variants are allowed.

  • There are exceptions for wide generalizations. Example: Aliens; from Mars, from Neptune, etc.

  • Some KaijukumaPandas™ are in control of their monsters, and some let their monsters control them.

Mutations for KaijukumaPandas™ fall under these categories.
Common, Exotic, Rare, Mythic, Certified Creator, and Species Owner.

Common Traits

Slots can be purchased for $80.

  • Normal sized red panda build & parts.

  • Ears have 3 colors split down with colored tips.

  • Tails are long and fluffy, with a colored tip and stripes.

  • KaijukumaPandas™ have an associated monster; and only one of each kind.

Exotic Mutations

Slots can be purchased for $100.

  • Horns and Wings that are larger than the kaiju's torso.

  • Oversized body parts and limbs, such as hand and feet paws.

  • Hybrids will always fall under Exotic; regardless of other variables.

  • Organic parts made of materials such as crystals, metals, goo/slime, food and more.

Rare Mutations

Slots can be purchased for $120.

  • Males are extremely rare. Roughly Female 10:1 Male.

  • Multi Parts, such as ears, tails, eyes, mouths, limbs, etc.

  • Non Paw Feet such as hooves, claws, avian or reptilian feet, etc.

  • Non Red-Panda tail, but still within normal creature long styles of tails.

  • Non standard fur patterns on both the ears (3 color split down) and tails (tipped).

Mythic Mutations

Slots can be purchased for $150.

  • Short Tails, normal creatures limit still applies.

  • Corrupted, Night Voidling, Toxic variants of Kaijukuma.

  • Head Wings, Non-Red Panda features, Neon Colors, and Glowing Markings.

CC Mutations

Only made or approved by Certified Creators.

  • Zombie Variants, Glitter Galactic Aesthetic.

  • Non-Standard Creature Parts, Sentient appendages.

Species Owner Mutations

Only made or approved by The Species Owner.

  • Non-Monsters and Dieties; all mythologies.

  • Intersex Genetalia, and Mimic Category Monsters.

Species Owner & Manager

Copyrights for the KaijukumaPanda™ species belongs to Ryn Universe.

Species Manager

Responsible for all Management.

Species Owner + Certified Creator

Responsible for all Creations and Operations.

Certified Creators

Creators with partial rights to making KaijukumaPandas™ with written permission from The Owner.

Certified Creator

Approved Artist w/ minor creator rights.

Certified Creator

Approved Artist w/ minor creator rights.

Certified Creator

Minor creator rights.

Certified Creator

Approved Artist w/ minor creator rights.

Support Team

Those you can talk to for more information or help with the KaijukumaPandas™.

Staff Member

Species support team.

Staff Member

Species support team.

The KaijukumaPandas™ Masterlist

The main list for owners of KaijukumaPandas™.

Rarity Key Information
Common: ★Exotic: ★★Rare: ★★★Mythic: ★★★★Certified Creator: ★★★★★Species Owner: ★★★★★★

Alien: Sparkle Slug#K0012Gen 1Purchase♀ FemaleHyperionTrashVindictiive, SnowStation
Angel#K0091CustomCreation★★★★★♀ FemaleCandyKittyCatCandyKittyCat
Anubis#K0063MYOPurchase★★★♂ MaleVindictiiveVindictiive
Arch Demon#K0032CustomTrade♀ FemaleRyn UniverseMorgueSpirits
Banshee#K0064CustomPurchase♀ FemaleKyttnxKisaragiInsomnini
Boggart#K0048MYOTrade♀ FemaleKalachuRealPikachuGamer
Bride of Frankenstein#K0011Gen 1Purchase♀ FemaleHyperionTrashFurrtopia
Oni: Cave#K0053MYOTrade♀ FemaleDemonBratVindictiive
Cheshire Cat#K0036CustomTrade♀ FemaleRyn UniverseStarKitt3n
Crete Snake Goddess#K0020Gen 1Purchase♀ FemaleHyperionTrashVindictiive
Dangerous Dream Demon#K0050MYOPurchase★★★♂ MaleSinfulWhispersTentacleNoose
Dessert Monster: Black Rainbow Ice Cream#K0076MYOTrade★★♀ FemaleqhostbyrdProfessorVenomous
Dessert Monster: Choco Chip Cookie Cake#K0071MYOTrade★★♀ FemaleqhostbyrdKookiiDough
Dessert Monster: Choco Chip Taiyaki#K0070MYOTrade★★★★♀ FemaleqhostbyrdRyn Universe
Dessert Monster: Choco Sprinkle Caramel Fudge#K0079MYOTrade★★★♀ FemaleqhostbyrdKookiiDough
Dessert Monster: Cinnamon Roll#K0052MYOPurchase★★♀ FemaleMintbuttMintbutt
Dessert Monster: Candy Corn Cake#K0082MYOTrade★★★★♂ MaleqhostbyrdKookiiDough
Dessert Monster: Cookie Dough#K0073MYOTrade★★★★♀ FemaleqhostbyrdFruitWolves
Dessert Monster: Frosted Cookie Cheesecake#K0083MYOTrade★★★★♀ FemaleqhostbyrdKookiiDough
Dessert Monster: Fruity Pebble Cake#K0074MYOTrade★★★★♀ FemaleqhostbyrdKookiiDough
Dessert Monster: Funfetti Birthday Cake#K0074MYOTrade★★♀ FemaleKalachuRealPikachuGamer

KaijukumaPandas™ In Progress

The list of KaijukumaPandas™ in the works or on reserve.

Marvel Deity: Loki#K0061CustomPurchase♀ FemaleRyn UniverseFondae
Marvel Deity: Hela#K0062CustomPurchase♀ FemaleRyn UniverseAmoraFaye
Valkyrie#K0062CustomPurchase♀ FemaleRyn UniverseLunaNyx
PKMN: Alolan Ninetails/Ninetails#K0097CustomTrade♀ FemaleRyn UniverseRavingUnicorn
Horror Icon: Pastel Pyramid Head#K0099MYOTrade♀ FemaleHyperionTrashHyperionTrash
Reserved Slot#K0100MYOTrade--TentacleNoose
Reserved Slot#K0101MYOTrade★★★--ColorfulAgony
Reserved Slot#K0102MYOTrade★★★★--yandarlinq

KaijukumaPandas™ Hybrids

The list of hybrids with KaijukumaPandas™.

Hybrid: Fluffy Panda#H0001Gen 1Purchase★★♀ FemaleHyperionTrashMercury.
Hybrid: Nymier#H0002Gen 1Purchase★★♀ FemaleHyperionTrashKingyYos
Hybrid: Nymier#H0003Gen 1Purchase★★♂ MaleHyperionTrashKingyYos
Hybrid: Nymier#H0004Gen 1Purchase★★♀ FemaleHyperionTrashxDclaw

Retired KaijukumaPandas™

The list of KaijukumaPandas™ that have been retired and archived.

Dessert Monster: BubblegumRetiredMYOPurchase♀ FemalexKookieKatxxKookieKatx
Dessert Monster: Layered Drip CakeRetiredMYOPurchase♀ FemalexKookieKatxxKookieKatx
Dessert Monster: Gooey Candy SkeletonRetiredMYOPurchase♀ FemalexKookieKatxxKookieKatx
Kitsune: Kukan TsukiRetiredMYOTrade♀ FemaleVixianVixian
Pastel Rainbow UnicornRetiredMYOTrade♀ FemaleVixianFettibo

The Blacklist

Please avoid doing any KaijukumaPanda™ business with the following people.

  • 🔗 xDclaw
    -- For specifically buying KaijukumaPanda's to graveyard them, trying to steal the species and Kammy (my old kaiju).

  • 🔗 Cat, Satan, Snowpetal, DemonBrat
    -- For selling trade only Kaiju's, MYO's, Art Theft of Designs, Tracing Art, and making/selling rip offs.

  • 🔗 Destry, Magic
    -- Upselling MYO slots, selling trade only slots, encouraging and supporting Cat's art theft, buying oc's for blacklisted users, and making/selling rip offs.

  • 🔗 TheFriendlyCompanionCube, JeremiahFink
    -- Stalking, Harassing and Attacking the species owner without reason. Spreading lies and drama to defame the owner.

  • 🔗 NiteGrimwood
    -- Scammer and Character Thief. Gifted her ex a sona and art, then tried to force him to pay her for it. Then tried to forcibly resell his sona without his consent.